Active Networking: The Key to Professional Growth

A while back, we discussed the high value of professional social networks, with LinkedIn being at the top of the list. Having a public presence is an important start, but that's only half the battle. Keeping your profile current and staying active as a networker are also critical. When you get a promotion, change titles, or take on a volunteer role, be sure to add those items to your network profile. Give a presentation or write an article? Post those, too. These are important moments that show to your network, and to you, that you are growing. Meanwhile, being an active networker can be as simple as connecting with professionals that you encounter throughout your career. Few people like to shake hands and exchange cards with random strangers at a networking event, but those actions pay dividends. The nice thing about virtual connections is that they don't require nearly as much bravery, but they do require some proactive tactics. When you interact with someone new — be it a client, vendor, colleague, or industry peer — your default move should be to connect with that person. If you read someone's article that strikes a positive chord for you, write that person a note as you make an offer to connect. Your career is one of your most important assets, and assets require annual maintenance. Set aside time to do that, and you'll find new opportunities are right around the corner.